Food web restoration ecology in the large-scale ecosystem restoration project "Marker Wadden"
We study the ecological consequences of a large-scale restoration project "Marker Wadden" in shallow lake Markermeer in the Netherlands. Yearly field campaigns on vegetation, zooplankton, benthic/pelagic macro-invertebrates, and young-of-the-year fish. Tracking studies on adult fish via acoustic telemetry networks of Vemco. Main questions: how do different trophic levels in the aquatic food web respond to large-scale ecosystem changes, can a local scale restoration project be of importance for an entire lake, which ecological processes are altered, and which taxonomic groups benefit from these new processes? In collaboration with Dr. Joep de Leeuw (Wageningen Marine Research) and Prof. E.S. Bakker (Netherlands Institute of Ecology). Read more in Ecological Solutions and Evidence,Movement Ecology andScience of the Total Environment
Dispersal of seeds and aquatic invertebrates by piscivorous birds
We investigate dispersal of seeds and aquatic invertebrates by waterbirds using population genetic approaches, GPS tracking of birds and collecting faecal samples in the field. Recent work revealed that predatory waterbird species such as great cormorants and grey heron disperse seeds and aquatic invertebrates that they first ingested along with their prey (e.g. fish, small mammals). In collaboration with Prof. A.J. Green (Doñana Biological Station, Sevilla, Spain). Read more in Biology LettersandFreshwater Biology.
Grayling migration ecology in large Norwegian rivers
We set up a large scale field experiment to determine to what extent small European grayling (Thymallus thymallus) larvae (< 20 mm) may drift downstream due to high discharges in large river systems. Voluntary or involuntary downstream drift may be an important driving factor for adult upstream spawning migration. Collaborating with Prof. A. Vøllestad (UiO, Oslo, Norway) & Dr. J. Museth (NINA, Lillehammer, Norway). Read more in Journal of Fish Biology
Seed dispersal by Song Thrushes (Turdus philomelos), Balearctic Islands, Spain
We monitored seed removal by Thrushes over time, to make a spatially explicit model of seed predation and subsequent endozoochorous seed dispersal in a remote small island system. In collaboration with Dr. L. Santamaría (IMEDEA, Spain).
Shorebird migration ecology, Australia
We captured, measured and banded migratory shorebirds to retrieve geolocators containing information on migration. In collaboration with Prof. M. Klaassen (Deakin University, Australia).
Population genetics of aquatic snails, Parque Nacional de Doñana, Spain
with Dr. J. Figuerola (Doñana Biological Station, Sevilla, Spain).
We sampled the invasive aquatic snail Physa acuta throughout and around Doñana National Park, in order to perform population genetic analyses that informed on the potential dispersal vectors used by this invasive species. Read more in Freshwater Biology
Within a long term monitoring framework we investigated the breeding succes and choices of Arctic breeding Brentgeese (Branta bernicla) in relation to lemming cycles and the presence of gulls and snowy owls on the breeding sites. In collaboration with Yu. L. Mazurov (Heritage institute, Russia), Dr. B.S. Ebbinge (Alterra, The Netherlands), Dr. B.A. Nolet (NIOO, The Netherlands).
Shorebird breeding ecology, Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska, US
By catching, color banding and following individual Dunlin (Calidris alpina pacifica) we could determine how individuals make decisions on mate choice and choice of nesting sites when arriving to Arctic breeding grounds after their long-distance migration. In collaboration with Dr. S.E. Jamieson (Simon Fraser University, Canada), B. McCaffery (U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, US). Read more in The Wilson Journal of Ornithology